literary_equine (literary_equine) wrote,

Projects for 2013

Lining up the 12 projects for 2013, I am looking at the following:

My children's novella, The Seven Sisters is scheduled for a January release and that is the only release that is certain. The rest are tentative and I have not yet worked them into a specific schedule:

  • The Adventures of Jill Noir, a hard SF braided novel co-written with author Ken Pick. The first chapter received an Honorable Mention in 2009 from the Washington Science Fiction Association and two other chapters have been published in anthologies.
  • The expansion of Yew Manor into a full novel.
  • A nonfiction work exploring the Law of Focus, a non-metaphysical psychological concept that is the real power behind the so-called "Law of Attraction."
  • Grave Gate, a sword and sorcery tale featuring a quartet of adventures storming the fortress of a liche.
  • The Lord of All Futures is the working title of a novella that takes place in a post-apocalyptic south-central Pennsylvania with locations in Shippensburg, Carlisle, Camp Hill, Harrisburg, and Lancaster.
  • Petri is the working title of an eco-SF novella where 75-square miles of south-central Pennsylvania real estate and its inhabitants finds itself mysteriously transported to a barren, sterile world.
  • A collection of dark fantasy short stories with the working title, Dark Dreams and Darker Visions

I am leaving the four other projects open and they will be announced much later, most likely as they near their date of release.

Be aware that I am not planning on releasing one literary work a month, but by December 31, 2013, there will be at least 12 separate works published under my name.

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